Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

I'm guessing this is one of many Sunday after-church pictures taken over the years, right Daddy? What's the story behind Rosalynde's dress? Did Daddy buy it on his mission in hopes of having a little girl who would wear it one day? Happy Sunday, everyone!


  1. i love this picture. we still lived on palm drive, but i am not sure where this picture was taken. i did not buy Rosalynde's dress in Germany, i am not sure where she got it. it might have been a gift from Grandma Hansen. do you love my 70s shirt? i think i still have shirts from the 70s.

  2. That dress was a hand-me-down from someone or other... we were often the recipients of anonymous charity. Random boxes of clothing left on our porch often with some real gems (I'm still wearing some of them!). It was like Christmas when we opened the boxes! Please remember as you look at these pictures that styles have changed - you girls always looked very stylish in spite of the fact that it looks like I was inflicting fashion abuse on my daughters :)
