Friday, April 20, 2012

The Big Pillow

This picture comes from a folder entitled "1973_04," so I'm thinking that this was right before Mama and Daddy got married? If that's the case, when did the big pillow originate?


  1. i love this picture of Mama. i took it before we were married. do you see that purse? i think we still have it around the house somewhere. i made the pillow as part of a family home evening project with my family home evening group in my student ward. i actually loved that pillow. we took it back to law school with us. we brought it back to california with us. many of you kids slept on it. finally, the cloth cover got so bad that Mama made a new cover for it. i can't remember when we finall had to throw it out. it was quite easy to make. perhaps i should make another one. should i make one for each of you?

    1. I would totally treasure a big pillow made by Daddy! The "big pillow" has a very deep seat in my psyche.

  2. Now you know what to get Rosalynde for Christmas, Daddy!

  3. I spent many a night snuggled with many a baby on that big pillow - but alas, this was before disposable diapers and plastic pants were not nearly as waterproof (or rather urine and poop-proof!!), and that big pillow eventually became unfit for human habitation... I thought it was slightly obscene that Daddy had that big pillow in his living room, but I guess it didn't keep me from marrying him :)
