Friday, September 7, 2012

School Days

Another in the pre-children Mama-and-Daddy series. Aren't our parents beautiful?


  1. Look at the campus. this view no longer exists. The new library addition obscures the view. notice how small the trees are on the left middle of the picture and compare how big the trees are now. notice my velor tan pants. do you like them? i was also ahead of my time, wearing a backpack. notice that it is my old boy scout backpack. i still have that belt. Mama and i are discussing one of the dialogues of plato.

    Love Daddy

  2. What a classic college pic :). So were backpacks not the norm then?

  3. No backpacks!! Daddy carried a briefcase for his books, most girls carried theirs in the arms - no wonder I have scoliosis :( Why did it take us so many years to figure out to use backpacks?!
