Sunday, October 28, 2012

Smiles for Sunday

And back to this generation of Frandsens. The light's not great on this picture, but I'm guessing this is blessing day for baby Brigham! Apropos of nothing, I wish pinafores would come back in style. For big girls as well as little girls. I feel like I could use the functionality of a splash guard/pockets pretty much every day...


  1. Such beautiful and darling girls. i loved our time at 2716 Harmony Place. it was a small house for up by the time we left two and a half years later, but i loved our time there.

    Even though this is 1980, i must have still been stuck in the 1970s. Look at the brown pants! Look at that hair of mine. At least there was no gray yet. BRigham was a handsome baby. i wish we had taken the picture to show the light on his face. 32 years ago. is it possible?

  2. Daddy, you just graduated from law school--you couldn't afford a new suit!
