Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Vacation!!!

I'll be doing lots of these kinds of pictures over the next few months, I'm sure. So the game will be: where are we, and what are your memories/impressions from that trip? I think that we're in Vancouver here, and I remember LOVING that museum and that trip. I totally fell in love with Native American culture and probably built brick kilns or totem poles out in Lily Fortress as soon as we got home...


  1. You got it, Naomi -- Vancouver Island, the Museum of History with a GREAT Native American exhibit! And yummy fish and chips :) And a GREAT ferry ride!

  2. Ah, fish and chips--I still remember those! Yum--too bad it would be a $1000+ trip to get to Vancouver or London and spend enough time to get some good fish and chips...
