Thursday, June 7, 2012

Babies in the Morning

Was Mama a pre-schooling Mama here? Probably not--it's 1980, so Rosalynde is 6. But even so, I'm betting that Mama loved lounging with babies whenever she could, even if she had to rush rush rush and get Rosalynde off to school.


  1. i love seeing how beaautiful mama is in these pictures. i have loved my 39 years together with her. Mama has my athletic socks on, but we do not have them anymore. i think we have pillow cases still, and the pictures in the background. we have the blocks. we do not have the clock. do we still have the plant? i remember the wallpaper, i just do not remember it in our Harmony Place home. what great memories.

  2. And I believe this is 8:52 PM -- already in my pj's ready for bed :)

  3. Ah, the early bedtime--a special prerogative of mothers of young children. One I take quite often myself :).
