Monday, April 30, 2012
Happy Monday!
Remember when the World Cup came to Pasadena? I only now appreciate what a huge, huge deal that was. Daddy, how old was your love affair with soccer at that point?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday Girls
It's Sunday on Harmony Place. Mama could still make her girls look cute, even when she was nine months pregnant with me!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Baseball Season
Okay, there's another series of pictures that I really need to start, if this project is to truly represent the range of images that Daddy compulsively captured. We have lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures of cute Frandsen kids in action. Whether it's T-ball, cross country, soccer, jump-roping, baseball, track, tennis--anyone that says that Frandsens weren't into sports will have years of carefully documented games to contend with :).
Friday, April 27, 2012
This picture just makes my stomach fly into my mouth. Ergh is probably way, way, way too mild an exclamative for what I would have been feeling or saying. Any memories, Mama and Daddy, of whence this picture comes? It's in the folder 1994_02, along with pictures of Eva being born :).
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Oh, but Gershwin probably wasn't half as dashing as 19 year-old Brigham here. The year is 1999, Brigham is probably back from his first year of college, and I'm guessing he's enjoying his reunion with the piano by pulling out a little Rhapsody in Blue. Do you remember, Brigham?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Naomi, the Amish Prom Queen
Back to our series of dance pictures. This was Backwards Dance, I believe. I was a junior, and I wasn't planning on going, but after ignoring the overt hints of friends that I ate lunch with, a very nice boy with shaggy black hair whose first name was Dave, I believe, just up and invited me in the middle of Honors Physics. He gave me roses and a mix tape. Really, it was one of the nicest ways I've been asked out until another Dave came along, much later. Too bad I avoided his phone calls (the first Dave, not the later one) and was probably a pretty horrible date. Doesn't little Jessica Hannon Mandell look cute? She was probably much better company to her date that night...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wedding Bells
Gabrielle, you were the first bride from our family--and the first wedding in our season of wedding anniversaries, as well. I remember that it snowed on your wedding day. Appropriately enough, snow is predicted for West Virginia around this same time as well. Crazy weather. Back to the bride--you forged the way for the rest of us, navigated the emotional terrain of bringing in a new family member, gave us the opportunity to establish some of the wedding traditions that are now so expected, after six weddings. You were so beautiful in the only dress that any of the girls would be able to wear back to the temple after the wedding day. I remember being in the bathroom, seeing you curl your hair on your wedding morning while Daddy stressed Mama out by driving over to the temple and getting a little lost on his way back. Little did I know that it would be ten years--ten years!--and four months before I would be following in your footsteps, and you would be taking pictures of me on my wedding day while Rachel did my hair. Thank you for being the first, my beautiful sister. (this picture doesn't do you ANY justice, but there wasn't a wide selection from the slide folders...)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Boys on Parade
Happy Monday, family! I hope this picture brings energy and optimism to your week. May we all work as fast this week as Brigham could roller-blade down Chevy Chase...
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Sunday Afternoon
I'm guessing this is one of many Sunday after-church pictures taken over the years, right Daddy? What's the story behind Rosalynde's dress? Did Daddy buy it on his mission in hopes of having a little girl who would wear it one day? Happy Sunday, everyone!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Cute Little Smiler
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Big Pillow
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Happy Birthday, John!!!

Happy Birthday, John the Mountaineer, the Scientist, the Doctor, the Husband, the Father, the Nursery Leader Extraordinaire (I actually don't know your current calling--but I think that's the one that will earn you the most celestial brownie points), the Chef, the Potter, the Camper, etc., etc., etc. You add so many wonderful, admirable, and worthy attributes to the mix of personalities in our family. Thank you for falling in love with my big sister!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Springtime Babytime
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Happy Birthday, Christine!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
But Mama Kept All These Things and Pondered Them in Her Heart
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Blacktop
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Madrigal Mama
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Seasons of Gorgeousness
Monday, April 9, 2012
Seasons of Change

If I'm remembering correctly, this picture was taken right before Brigham's freshman year of college and Rachel's freshman year of high school--is that right? A season of change for all of the siblings in this picture. Eva, this picture is intended to motivate you as you finish your home stretch of high school--endings do come!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter, family!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Knee-Sock Weather
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Make a Wish!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Superheroes in Disguise (more or less)

Christian and Eva are a great team. I wish I could write a novel about them (maybe I will, someday) because they encompass so much dramatic and humorous breadth between their personalities. Christian, the schemer given to flights of fancy and capable of dizzying plunges of despair when plans went awry; Eva, the pragmatist who loved her big brother in a long-suffering, mostly supportive (but probably occasionally exasperated) way. In my novel, they would be superheroes--crime fighters with the perfect disguise and the complete set of mystery-solving and do-gooding tools at their disposal. Christian, you're off being a superhero in France, and Eva, you're receiving your final tutorials from your parents, but you're both destined to do great things, and I know that you will always mean more to each other than I would ever be able to write.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Prom Season

Prom season is nearly here, so I'm going to feature some notable pictures of proms past. Don't worry--I'll get to the vision of loveliness that I was as a junior with zero fashion sense and about 15 pounds to lose. But for now, we'll start with a real vision of loveliness--my two gorgeous sisters that I love bragging about all the time.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Let's Hear It For the Boys
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Remember Us?

Okay, family, the month of All-Twins-All-the-Time has now concluded. We'll go back to our normally scheduled program of random pictures that will undoubtedly keep you coming back each morning to see where we end up :). When May 2nd comes, I'll resume the chronology and we'll have another week or two of this very special time in the life of our family.
But for now--remember these cuties? I've been missing them over the past month...
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